Sunday, 29 September 2013


Joyous Song-" Let's Take A Walk Around the Block"   For the 1934 show " Life Begins at 8:40"   Arlen,Ted Koehler and Ira Gershwin wrote what Arlen's biographer , Edward Jablonski described as " A  gentle musical-social commentary." In it a young, impoverished couple who " Are flat in old Manhattan"  imagine a dream grand tour to London ,Paris, Venice and the Grand Canyon. However, given the lack of funds, they decide to settle for a local tour and decide to just take a walk around the block. Despite the depression and its crushing social and economic woes, this is not like Harburgs" Brother Can You Spare a Dime"  After all, audiences wanted to indulge in a brief escapist moment and light entertainment since the reality outside the theatre would be a sobering condition.
 I am particularly intrigued by the sly rhyming line when the imaginary trip continues with" "Then Vladivostok... Where Bolsheviks flock."

  Since the song and the whole show, including performances by Bert Lahr and Ray Bolger, was to create momentary relief from the depressing depression, who better than Doris Day to illuminate the unalloyed optimism of a young American couple who have faith in a better future. Doris Day, an underrated singer, has a strong vibrant voice and presence and delivers the essence of the Arlen melody ands sprightly Koehler/Gershwin lyrics.
Will Feidwald, in his massive and insightful book " A Biographical Guide to the Great Jazz and Pop Singers " said that " There's  that  voice---Doris Day has a sound like bottled sunshine." His pronouncement is eloquent, descriptive and perfect..
The arrangement by Frank Devol is quite humorous and quirky also capturing the essence of the song. It might have been done by Nelson Riddle on a busman's holiday or maybe even by the Sauter Finnegan orchestra who pioneered exotic instrumentation and subtle, sophisticated humour for the musically aware.


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